Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hippies Get It Right

So, the election is over and I can finally get back to work on my next book and actually writing something on my blog. And in the midst of all the Obama fever, there have been some amazing goings on. Writing a memoir and having it out in the world can actually help old friends find you and several I haven't been in contact with for the past 35+ years have made reappearances.
I just got an email from one of my Argentinian buddies from Ibiza, Hector Milberg, who is back in Buenos Aires running a gourmet catering company with his wife Fernanda and had no idea he was mentioned in Siren's Feast. Nice to discover so many hippies have become foodies. We were on to something all those years ago with our yoga, meditation, organic health food, natural healing, herbs, vegetarianism, recycling.

Then thumbing through an issue of Gourmet magazine I came upon a lovely article on the fellow whose macrobiotic restaurant I managed in London back in the day. He always was a true entrepreneur since he owned the first macrobiotic shop on Portobello Road in London back in the late 60's. Well, Craig Sams went on to become chairman of Britain's prestigious Soil Association and was the founder of Green & Black's organic chocolate. And Cadbury bought the company in 2005 for $52 mil. Not bad for an oldish hippie, I'd say. LSD didn't rot our brains after all. http://www.craigsams.com
You can read the article for yourself here: http://www.gourmet.com/magazine/2000s/2008/08/craigsams


Lait de Lune said...

hi nancy
we are having out own chocolate revolution in Paris! we sell raw organic chocolate by Poppy with no refined sugar and lots of ju ju powders from the Amazon, rose salt from the Himalayas etc...laitdelune.com
love alex

Edible Odyssey said...

Lait de Lune sounds fantastic. I've just learned about sea salt caramels and salt does give something really special to chocolate. Good luck with your new venture. I'm sure the Parisians will LOVE you.
xxoo Nancy