Another month, another book club. I didn't have to go far since it was close to my neighborhood. The Encino Park Book Club is a group of dynamic young women who all became friends when they were neighbors and meet every month to share food and books. I was honored to be chosen to participate with them. Everyone brought a recipe from Siren's Feast and we shared some good laughs and some good food.
Janet Billig Rich, producer of the Tony winning musical Rock of Ages, found Siren's Feast and brought it to Alegre Ramos, owner of the "green" store Green and Greener in Valley Village, who was already a friend and Jin Shin Jyutsu client I have known for several years. Another "small world" story. And Voila! I was able to attend another book club. I have enjoyed myself at every single one. What could be better for an author to meet readers over food and spirits?